Wednesday 1 February 2017

Forest Gump - 1994

Rating: 9.5/10
Notable Actors: Tom Hanks and Robin Wright
Director: Robert Zemeckis

6 OSCARS (Phew!). Forrest Gump is like the best emotional/comedy film around here. The masterpiece is truly one of its kind and the movie is Jack Of All Trades without a doubt.

Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) is a stupid fellow who is unable to cope with the world. He had lost his father, his mother was the only support and inspiration in his dull life. Though the protagonist is a little backward boy but that's his strength cuz "Stupid is as a Stupid Does".
In his young life, unsocial and friendless Gump meets Jenny (Robin Wright). The crippled boy has 'leg braces' and is bullied, that's about the time he discovers that he has a certain talent. A talent to RUN, whenever he is in danger or doesn't know what to do, he starts to run and to everybody's astonishment the stupid guy is fast (I mean Really Really Fast).
The adventures of Forrest Gump are the part that everybody wants because he achieves so much even due to the criticism of many for his lack of intelligence.

The Movie effectively makes one stare in awe and forces one to wonder whether they themselves have really led a life so simple rightly. Forrest Gump is a pure classic and revamped the class of comedy. Dedication, Obsession and Simplicity are the few messages the film conveys to the audience, even the most dull and stupid can attain great heights if he/she is focused is the lesson one must learn. That said, Acting was superb (Everybody and especially Tom Hanks were awesome in their respective roles), dialogues were beautiful and Script was beautiful as well. These kinds of movies are needed to cushion ones fall in life and to motivate to push further until one doesn't become PHENOMENAL.

Reviewed By Najam

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