Friday 16 December 2016

The Dark Knight Rises - Movie 2012

Title: The Dark Knight Rises
Rating : 9/10
Director: Christopher Nolan

Sequel to the award winning film that shook the world, The Dark Knight Rises is the perfect ending to a brilliant trilogy that captivated audiences throughout its whole series and set the standard for future superhero movies.
This movie takes place eight years after Batman's (Christian Bale) disappearance, The city of Gotham is at peace hereby ending the need for the caped crusader. However a new terror is lurking in the sewers of Gotham. A masked terrorist by the name of Bane (Tom Hardy), Filled with ruthless instinct and ferocious strength we see the brutality of his character as he kills without conscience and breaks the Batman, Both physically and mentally. This movie emotionally picks you up as you struggle to cope up with the heaviness of each and every scene especially the one's taking place when Bruce is in prison and battling the demons of his past. This movie also introduces Catwoman (Anne Hathway) in a very interesting new role.
Bane:"Ah, yes... I was wondering what would break first...
[lifts Batman high] Your spirit or your body?
This movie can never hope to achieve the acclaim revieved by its predessecor The Dark Knight but it does create a place of its own in the hall of fame of superhero films.
The best part about this movie is the primary antagonist Bane. Tom Hardy outplayed and outclassed each and everyone except perhaps Heath Ledger who unfortunately could not be in the movie due to his untimely death.
Christopher Nolan ended this trilogy in such a way that it will be really hard for future Batman films to fill the void left by him, Which has been proven due to the recent DC comics movies which have been a total fiasco no matter what people say.
The fight scenes are very well choreographed with the whole mix of martial arts that Batman is famous for except perhaps this time he has met his match.
One might say that this is perhaps the last great superhero movie DC comics will ever produce but nobody knows what the future might bring.

Yasir Zafar
First of His Name

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