Saturday 26 November 2016

Code Geass - Anime 2007-08

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Rating: 9/10
Seasons: 2
Genre: Super Natural Drama
Writer: Ichiro Okouchi

The Stir in the Anime World took place when Death Note (Otaku Greatness) was released and little did Fans know what secrets the package carried. After Death note effectively ended in 2006, Code Geass was the magnificent savior in the uncharted territory for the Fans (Otakus!)

So the greatness unveils itself through the creativity of the manga artist in the form of Geass. Geass is a supernatural power that has different uses and it depends upon the user, however he/she wishes to wield it.

The story in the beginning is concerned with the Britain establishing itself as a dominant military nation and starting with the conquest of Japan. Lelouch Lamperouge (Not to mention, he is the greatest Chess Master in the Anime World), exiled prince of Britannia, unfortunately finds himself caught in a crossfire between the nations' armed forces. He is able to escape, however, thanks to the timely appearance of a mysterious girl named C.C., who bestows upon him the Power Of Kings. Under the mask of a vigilante named Zero, he embarks on a Journey to take revenge and close this chapter of Britannia once and for all.

The first season is the block by block construction of the story that is delicately handled and is superbly done. What follows in Season 2 is Greatness and Class at its best. This is the ONLY Anime I have witnessed that surpassed its own standards set in Season 1. The comparison with Death Note is rightly done and I can undoubtedly judge that Death Note and these two Seasons stand on Equal Footing (That's right people).The last episode's concluding 10 minutes are what made this Anime so special and made me regard it equal to Death Note because with Lelouch you never know what will happen next. And the quote that steals the spot light in the last scene

"I AM UNDER A GEASS CALLED PEOPLE'S WISH" (Yes you proved it Lelouch)

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