Tuesday 15 November 2016


SUB: Nisekoi
Rating: 8/10
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Nisekoi is the Anime of Romance category. The anime consists of only 2 seasons whereas the manga is completed some time ago. This Anime is worth watching for fans of Romantic and Love Triangles. This anime does provide sufficient satisfaction for a fan such as myself with an interesting Story line and cutting edge animation. The basic plot revolves around a girls favorite boy Raku Ichigo and the fame he has among the group of girls. The writer Naoshi Komi had started the tale of a boy who had promised a girl in his childhood for marriage in the future.The girl has a KEY and he has the LOCKET. This is not as simple as it may sound because three girls are confused and are in bewilderment of who is the one because each of them has a key. The story begins after many years have past and the girl Chitoge and Raku meet in unforeseen circumstances and are forced to behave as a couple . The story advances as Raku is faced with three girls liking him whereas he likes the one named Onodera. The fake couple eventually develop feelings for each other as time flies by and in the end Raku has to choose THE one and unsurprisingly it is Chitoge. The Story had its fair share of twists and Fun but what it lacked was quality consistency throughout. The chapters regarded as fillers were not handled as the fans would have liked and the twists were unnecessarily too many which leaves the fans wondering that whether the manga artist was trying to stretch the otherwise good enough plot. Other than these minor flaws the Anime was addictive and adhered to the expectations from Fans. Lastly, this anime would be recommended by me to all those who want a little Slice of life, Romance and with a modicum of comedy.

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